Proverbs 4:23 says, “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.” FOCUS! A man went to golf with a few of his buddies. As they stood on the tee box looking towards the green, one man said, “That green seems a long way off.” His buddies didn’t say a word. The man teed up his ball and
said, “Sure is a narrow fairway.” His buddies didn’t say a word.
He said, “How am I supposed to hit it over those trees?” His buddies didn’t say a word. They didn’t say anything because they were trying to psych him out. He stepped up to the tee and hit a great tee shot over the trees. He heard the guys behind him groan, and he just thought they were jealous of his tee shot. After watching their drives, he knew they were jealous of his shot. None of the other guys got even close to the trees. They hit the ball left and they were miles from the green. They walked down their side of the fairway, and the man walked down his.
His ball wasn’t in the fairway, instead, it was in the weeds surrounded by trees. He said, “Man, this sure is a tough hole.” He looked at the next shot, grabbed a club and hit a great shot. His ball hopped right on the green. He was hoping someone would have taking a picture of his great shot. None of his buddies were watching because they were on the other side of the fairway looking in another direction. He just picked up his bag and started walking towards the green. When he got near the green, he noticed something strange. He saw some men on the green who were already putting.
These were men he didn’t know or recognize. He thought, “These men are really slow or very lost.” As he looked around the green for his buddies, he finally saw them. They were on a different green. Right then and there, it hit him. He had played the wrong hole. He had aimed at the wrong target. Everything started to make sense to him. The groan he heard from his buddies off the tee was not a groan of jealousy, but of pity. His buddies hit the ball right where they were supposed to. That’s why the hole seemed hard. He was playing the wrong hole. A good friend would have said something, but they didn’t. Golf is hard enough and especially if you are going in the wrong direction.
Life is hard if our focus is off. If we are going the wrong direction in life, it can be hard as well. Jesus had a heart that was focused. His life never got off track. He kept His focus on what He came to this earth to accomplish. He came to seek and save the lost. He stayed on God’s course. He came to save souls. The Bible is filled with examples of those who didn't have focused hearts. Let’s look at Cain for a second. Cain and Abel were brothers. Both brought an offering before the Lord. God had regard for Abel’s offering but not for Cain’s. We know his anger got the best of him. His anger caused him to do that which was wrong. Cain had a heart problem.
Let’s look at David for just a second. In 2 Samuel 11, you have the story of how David was walking on his roof and saw a beautiful woman bathing. He sent for her and had sexual relations with her. He ended up
getting her pregnant. He sends her husband Uriah home from battle and tries to get him to sleep with her to make it look like the baby would be his. He wouldn’t sleep with her while his men were in battle. David ends up having him put to death in battle.
David, a man after God’s own heart, sinned by committing adultery and with murder. We know how Nathan the prophet in 2 Samuel 12 rebukes David for his sinful actions. David ends up telling Nathan in verse 13, “I have sinned against the Lord.” His heart wasn’t focused on God. This is a man after God’s own heart, remember that! Even the Godliest people can get distracted by the evil one. He was distracted by a beautiful woman and it got him into trouble. David had a heart problem.
How do we have a focused heart? By SEEKING God. One of the ways we can seek God is by worshiping Him. Worship allows us to draw near to God.We also are to GUARD our heart and mind. In Matthew 6:21, Jesus teaches us that where our treasure is, there our heart is. Basically, we set our hearts on what we value the most. As Christians, we say God is our greatest treasure. If He is our greatest treasure, then we will guard that treasure fervently. We need to STAY close to those in Christ. We need each other. Let’s make it our goal to encourage each other.
1 Thessalonians 5:11 says, “Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.” The Christian walk is a group project. The final way to have a focused heart is to FOCUS on things above. Because our focus or our life is on Christ, when He comes again, we will be with Him for all eternity in Heaven. Remember it is the pure in heart who shall see God (Matthew 5:8). Why do we focus on Jesus and going to Heaven? What is so appealing about being in Heaven? John MacArthur once said this, “When people ask me what appeals to me about Heaven, it isn’t streets of transparent gold or gates made of pearls; it is the absence of sin. I’m tired of sin.” We focus on things above because sin is also very appealing. Sin is fun and sin feels good. Because of that, lets keep our focus on Jesus!
said, “Sure is a narrow fairway.” His buddies didn’t say a word.
He said, “How am I supposed to hit it over those trees?” His buddies didn’t say a word. They didn’t say anything because they were trying to psych him out. He stepped up to the tee and hit a great tee shot over the trees. He heard the guys behind him groan, and he just thought they were jealous of his tee shot. After watching their drives, he knew they were jealous of his shot. None of the other guys got even close to the trees. They hit the ball left and they were miles from the green. They walked down their side of the fairway, and the man walked down his.
His ball wasn’t in the fairway, instead, it was in the weeds surrounded by trees. He said, “Man, this sure is a tough hole.” He looked at the next shot, grabbed a club and hit a great shot. His ball hopped right on the green. He was hoping someone would have taking a picture of his great shot. None of his buddies were watching because they were on the other side of the fairway looking in another direction. He just picked up his bag and started walking towards the green. When he got near the green, he noticed something strange. He saw some men on the green who were already putting.
These were men he didn’t know or recognize. He thought, “These men are really slow or very lost.” As he looked around the green for his buddies, he finally saw them. They were on a different green. Right then and there, it hit him. He had played the wrong hole. He had aimed at the wrong target. Everything started to make sense to him. The groan he heard from his buddies off the tee was not a groan of jealousy, but of pity. His buddies hit the ball right where they were supposed to. That’s why the hole seemed hard. He was playing the wrong hole. A good friend would have said something, but they didn’t. Golf is hard enough and especially if you are going in the wrong direction.
Life is hard if our focus is off. If we are going the wrong direction in life, it can be hard as well. Jesus had a heart that was focused. His life never got off track. He kept His focus on what He came to this earth to accomplish. He came to seek and save the lost. He stayed on God’s course. He came to save souls. The Bible is filled with examples of those who didn't have focused hearts. Let’s look at Cain for a second. Cain and Abel were brothers. Both brought an offering before the Lord. God had regard for Abel’s offering but not for Cain’s. We know his anger got the best of him. His anger caused him to do that which was wrong. Cain had a heart problem.
Let’s look at David for just a second. In 2 Samuel 11, you have the story of how David was walking on his roof and saw a beautiful woman bathing. He sent for her and had sexual relations with her. He ended up
getting her pregnant. He sends her husband Uriah home from battle and tries to get him to sleep with her to make it look like the baby would be his. He wouldn’t sleep with her while his men were in battle. David ends up having him put to death in battle.
David, a man after God’s own heart, sinned by committing adultery and with murder. We know how Nathan the prophet in 2 Samuel 12 rebukes David for his sinful actions. David ends up telling Nathan in verse 13, “I have sinned against the Lord.” His heart wasn’t focused on God. This is a man after God’s own heart, remember that! Even the Godliest people can get distracted by the evil one. He was distracted by a beautiful woman and it got him into trouble. David had a heart problem.
How do we have a focused heart? By SEEKING God. One of the ways we can seek God is by worshiping Him. Worship allows us to draw near to God.We also are to GUARD our heart and mind. In Matthew 6:21, Jesus teaches us that where our treasure is, there our heart is. Basically, we set our hearts on what we value the most. As Christians, we say God is our greatest treasure. If He is our greatest treasure, then we will guard that treasure fervently. We need to STAY close to those in Christ. We need each other. Let’s make it our goal to encourage each other.
1 Thessalonians 5:11 says, “Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.” The Christian walk is a group project. The final way to have a focused heart is to FOCUS on things above. Because our focus or our life is on Christ, when He comes again, we will be with Him for all eternity in Heaven. Remember it is the pure in heart who shall see God (Matthew 5:8). Why do we focus on Jesus and going to Heaven? What is so appealing about being in Heaven? John MacArthur once said this, “When people ask me what appeals to me about Heaven, it isn’t streets of transparent gold or gates made of pearls; it is the absence of sin. I’m tired of sin.” We focus on things above because sin is also very appealing. Sin is fun and sin feels good. Because of that, lets keep our focus on Jesus!